Craft Crossing
Clever/keen ideas for crafters
Pocky pocket

Pocky pocket! Are you familiar with Pocky? It is a Japanese snack, in the form of a stick that has been dipped in a flavored coating. Pocky sticks are great — low-fat, tasty, and not too sweet. They also add an elegant and unusual flourish to ice cream desserts or fancy cupcakes. And the boxes are so cute! […]

Sock rolls

I admit it. Most of my life, my sock drawer has been a hot mess! My mom’s suggestion was to make “Tootsie Rolls” by rolling the socks up and then stretching one sock-top inside out and over the bundle, thusly: While the Tootsie Rolls (get it?… feet… “tootsies”… Tootsie Rolls… um, never mind!) did reduce frantic searches through the pairless […]